Changes to an event's marketing material can be made whenever you wish, even after the publication of an event.
The changes you make appear online within a few minutes.
In oder to edit the images and description linked to an event, first go to the "Administration" tab, click "edit" under the "plays" section and select your event from the list on the right-hand side of the screen.
If you want to view the existing photos, you click on ''show existing image''.
In order to change an existing photo, do the following steps:
For each image you need to change:
Click "Choose files" – select the file in question - click "open"
Click "Upload"
Their dimensions are specified on the page and the file size for each image should not exceed 2MB.
The image will appear online after a few minutes.
The text you see on the pre-sale page description tab can be edited in the "Description" field of the marketing material tab.
Once you have completed the changes you want, click "save" and they will appear on the pre-sale page within a few minutes.
You can also edit "Full Description", "Crew", "Media" fields and finally click "Save".
The price that appears on the pre-sale page on the top right in the field "TICKETS" can be edited in the field "Price From (number)".
Once you complete the desired changes, click on "save".