A reservation is made via the "Νew order" tab on the Ticketing Platform.
Select the event from the list on the left-hand side of the screen (event filter).
Then select the seats by clicking on the seating plan. The selected seats will appear in yellow. You can select multiple seats together by holding the left-click on your mouse and dragging it to the right.
Once you have selected the seats, you can see a list of the selected seats on the right-hand side of the screen.
On the drop down menu you can choose a discount (student ticket, invitation etc), as long as one has been set up in the pricelist.
Then click on "new customer" to move on to the sales screen.
At this stage, you have created a sales reservation and on the top left-hand side of the screen you can see its order number.
xxxxxxxxxx | sale | in progress
In the "Customer Info" section you can edit all the customer information, which will be saved for all that customer's orders. In order to save the info remember to click on "save" after you've filled in the info.
The reservation will automatically expire on the date and time specified in the "pay until" field in the "payment details" section.
If you want, you can change the end time of the reservation by entering the desired date and time in the "pay until" field. Then click on ''update'' (next to the disk icon) in order to save the new expiry.