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How can I manage permissions for the Ticketing Platform users?
How can I manage permissions for the Ticketing Platform users?

Available roles and user permissions. Assigning and removing permissions.

Updated over 2 years ago

On the ticketing platform each user has specific permissions assigned to them by an admin user. At the administration tab, in the ''Users-rights'' section you can create new users and assign them permissions by adding them to groups.

The available roles and their respective permissions are as follows:




Reservations / Sales / Order searching

Advanced User

Reservations / Sales / Order searching / Box Office / Reporting


Reservations / Sales / Order searching/ Box Office / Reporting / System Admin

In terms of cancellations, there are 3 permission levels:

  1. Personal cancellations: The user can cancel any sales they have created and have been paid in cash within 24 hours from the order having been processed.

  2. Limited cancellations: The user can cancel any sales, created by themselves or other users, which have been paid in cash within 24 hours from the order having been processed.

  3. All cancellations: The user can cancel all types of sales orders.

Any user that hasn’t been assigned any of the aforementioned permission levels cannot cancel any sales order.

The above (roles and cancellation permissions) can be combined in any way. Assigning and removing a user’s permissions can be done via the “Users” table, at the bottom of the page by selecting the user(s) and then ''Add to groups'' or ''Remove from groups'' respectively.

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